
Monday 13 February 2012

Overweight pussy cats - some alarming stats...

Stat 1 - In Australia 32% of cats are overweight or obese.

Stat 2 - In cats over 7 years of age, the risk of dying is almost 3 times higher in overweight cats compared to cats of a normal weight.

So, one third of middle aged to older cats have 3 times the chance of dying from what is a preventable problem.

We have all heard that obesity can be the precursor to many problems in humans such as diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and heart problems; well in cats you can add in urinary tract, kidney and skin problems as well.

Correct body shape for a cat
So how do I know if my cat is overweight?

Examine your cat in the following areas:

Underneath the belly and between the hind legs – is there an ‘apron’ or roll of fat there?

Along her ribs – can you feel the ribs if you gently press down as you stroke her? If not – there is probably too much fat. 
So if she doesnt look like the cat in the right here then she is probably overweight.

Why is she overweight?
Most cats are overweight because of over-feeding and it’s all too easy to understand why. We quickly learn just how happy some special treats or new food makes them feel.

However, if your cat is going to stay in shape she is going to have to learn to live with less food. You will just have to compensate by giving her lots of extra attention!

Some tips on how to get the excess weight off...

1. Come in to Bondi Vets for a FREE weight consultation to help you set a healthy eating programme for a cat that needs to lose some excess weight. 

2. Just saying my cat needs to lose weight is great but we need to know the target weight and set a goal. Once we know the target weight then one of our vets or nurses can set up an eating plan and get you underway.

3. Cats should have multiple small meals every day. If you are away from home a lot, try a food ball or a mechanical food dispenser

4. If she begs for food give her extra cuddles and attention instead!

5. Make sure you set time aside every day to play with your cat – treat her to some new toys or just use scrunched up paper

6. Buy a tall scratching post to encourage your cat to climb

7. Consider getting a kitten to keep your cat company. More playing and activity is a great way to burn calories and keep any older cat young!

8. Watch out for cat treats – they contain lots of calories

9. Ask us to recommend a weight management food

Now for the don'ts...

1. Don't expect to buy a "light diet" from the supermarket or pet store and have success

2. Don't get weight loss advice from people who aren't qualified to give the advice.

3. Dont forget that the best place to start is with a FREE WEIGHT CONSULTATION at Bondi Vets

Remember that enabling your cat to lose weight could lead to more years of purring and cuddles!!

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